Saturday, March 25, 2023

Gematria what do the numbers mean

gematria is the study of the symbolic or numerical meanings of certain words and phrases in Hebrew and other languages. Gematria is an integral part of Jewish mysticism, where each letter of a word has a numerical value. By adding up the numerical values of all letters in a word, one can discover hidden meanings and uncover hidden energies associated with that word.

In Gematria, each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value assigned to it. For instance, the letter alef (א) is assigned the number 1; beit (ב) is assigned 2; gimmel (ג) = 3; daled (ד) = 4; hay (ה) = 5; vav (ו) = 6; zayin (ז) = 7; chet (ח) = 8; tet (ט) = 9 and yud-vav-dalet(יוד-ו-ד) is assigned 10. While this may seem like a random set of numbers, there is actually much more behind it than meets the eye.

For example, each number has its own vibrational frequency, as well as its own spiritual meaning behind it. For instance, numerologists believe that one symbolizes new beginnings and leadership qualities, while two signifies unity and balance. Three often represents joyfulness and creativity while four stands for stability and structure. Five symbolizes freedom while six connotes emotional openness and sensitivity. Seven often stands for spirituality or psychic awareness; eight references power or material accomplishment while nine signifies completion or completion with effort made . Ten symbolizes divinity or spiritual guidance from higher realms .

Through gematria, words become codes for larger concepts in life - it serves as an ancient form of communication from one soul to another that reveals hidden truths written into language itself. Knowledgeable practitioners can even inhale information from another realm by studying the numerical values combined with other typographic symbols present in texts. By metaphorically playing with numbers one can quickly smash through conventions of our physical reality to explore spiritual meanings previously unknown to us – essentially opening up direct lines to God!

Gematria also traditionally plays a large role in Kabbalah – an esoteric doctrine rooted in Judaism which emphasizes improving one's relationship with God. Kabbalists believed that by unlocking these meanings encoded within Gematria they could gain insights into their lives – potentially discovering cryptic messages related to current situations they are facing on their paths to spiritual growth such as warnings against future dangers they must avoid or lucky timing events to capitalize on when actioning decisions on projects they're working on etc.

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